Junior Player Code of Conduct

This policy covers Players, Administrators and Members.


This document outlines what Melton Centrals Cricket Club (MCCC) expects of all MCCC Juniors players and members in terms of behaviour when they participate and/or attend club events (matches, training, functions). The policy covers on and off field related expectations. The policy also presents a “discipline framework”, which will guide MCCC officials in dealing with matters where this code of conduct has been broken.

It should be noted that this policy works in conjunction with the Juniors Player Management Policy. Therefore, should a player break the Juniors Code of Conduct, participation may be restricted as a consequence, meaning that the guidelines from the Juniors Player Management Policy no longer apply until the consequence from breaking the Juniors Code of Conduct is completed.


Obey all reasonable requests made of you by any MCCC Official

  • Official may be: your coach/es, another MCCC Juniors official, an MCCC committee member, or any other person appointed to supervise or run an activity in which you are involved.

Remember that you are playing for and a member of MCCC for the enjoyment of playing cricket and to be part of a great club. So enjoy the game and accept wins and losses equally gracefully and remember that without the opposition, match officials or volunteers of your club, you would not get a game or a chance to have a great club experience.Be a good sport. Always conduct yourself in a way that reflects well on yourself and your Club.

It is your responsibility to declare if you are unavailable for any match, training session or team/club function.


Play by the rules

  • Observe all “Laws of cricket” during a match, and follow instructions given by any match official at all times.

Observe the Club Dress Code

The Club expects all players, as representatives of the club, to wear the correct attire on field as follows:

  • Training: A Centrals shirt, shorts (preferably red), socks (white) and runners.
  • Match Day: Approved Centrals Collared shirt, cricket pants and mostly white runners or rubber-stop cricket shoes.
  • The Centrals floppy hat is mandatory for the entire duration of matches, unless you are wearing a helmet to bat, keep or field in close.

MCCC is a “Sun-Smart” club. All players are expected to be “Sun-Smart” when training and playing. This means the club floppy hat and sun-screen are musts at all times.

Show respect

For your Captain, your Team, and your Club

The Club appoints officials and captains with a clear expectation that they will be shown proper respect on and off the field. If you have a problem with an official or captain for your team that you cannot resolve one on one, the only avenue of appeal open to you is to the committee via the Junior Coordinator.

An argument between you and your teammates during the course of a match brings you, your team, and the Club into disrepute. It is unacceptable.

For equipment

Do not abuse any equipment which belongs to you, another MCCC Juniors player, or the club. “Abuse” means: throw, slam into the ground, bang on the pitch, pull apart, bend, twist, rip, tear, cut, etc.

For the Opposition

Celebrate your teams’ success. Do not ridicule the other teams’ failure, specifically:

  • “Send offs” – usually to a dismissed batter by the bowler or a member of the fielding side. This can often inflame situations and lead to a more serious altercation.
  • Treat all participants in your game, as you would want to be treated. Appreciate the efforts of the opposition team. If there were no opposition, you would not get a game.

For match Officials

Never argue with an official.

The questioning/disputing of the Umpire’s decision – often in an aggressive or sarcastic manner is not acceptable. This applies equally to dismissals and unsuccessful appeals as to the judgment of calls on no balls, wides, byes, etc.

An excessive number of frivolous and ridiculous appeals – primarily aimed at pressuring and intimidating the Umpire into a favourable decision are equally unacceptable.

For match day, 40 minutes before match start for home games, and 30 minutes before match start for away games

For training, the time will be advised by your coach/es, and through club communications.  (This can be through e-mails, internet or Facebook).

For functions, the times for each will be advised during the season through various communications.

Conduct yourself as a team player and good club citizen at all times

Act as a team at all times

  • This means when your team is batting, all team members are sitting together on the sideline, supporting their team-mates in the middle. The only exception to this is if you have been directed by your coach/es to warm-up, or to complete another request.
  • Work equally hard for yourself as you do for your team.
  • Be punctual to all matches, training and functions. Arrive at the designated time.

Control your temper

  • The use of offensive language – generally as a disparaging remark to an opposing player or toward an Umpire, or even as an expression of frustration or self-admonishment. This includes racial vilification (any act that is reasonably likely to threaten, disparage, vilify, offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group based on race, religion, descent, colour or national or ethnic origin) is unacceptable.
  • The actions of the dismissed batter – in failing to leave the crease promptly on being given out and any equipment abuse (e.g. banging the bat into the ground or against the fence or race, etc and/or throwing the bat or equipment during or after his return to the pavilion) are unacceptable.

Training & Selection

  • Attendance at training is expected for all sessions for your team, and any other sessions (e.g. – junior-senior nights) each week.
  • If you can not attend training, it is your responsibility to advise the Coaches of your team or the Junior Co-ordinator.
  • “I could not be bothered” is not an acceptable excuse for non-attendance.
  • The Coaches, and/or any designated assistants/specialists and/or any other designated MCCC officials run training. You are accountable to them during a training session.

When you come to training be prepared to train

Wear the correct gear as stated under Observe the Club Dress Code above.

  1. All normal protective gear is mandatory. This includes footwear and sunscreen.
  2. Preferred attire is a Centrals shirt, red shorts, and a centrals floppy hat.

Approach training as if it was a match. Bat, Bowl & Field to the best of your ability.

All other activities are not permitted until those running training call an end to training.


You must adhere to all Club policies, including:

  • The MCCC Juniors Player Management Policy;
  • The MCCC Juniors Code of Conduct;
  • The Club’s Health & Safety Policy;
  • The Club’s “Good Sports” responsible use of alcohol Policy.

Whilst attending or involved in any cricket or club related activity, you are a representative of the Club.

  • Your personal behaviour must reflect the circumstances, and you must adjust accordingly:
  • Excessive bad language is not acceptable.
  • Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  • Show respect as outlined above.
  • Consumption of alcohol at (before, during, after) a juniors training session or match is not permitted. It contravenes the Club’s Health & Safety policy, and our commitment to the ADF Good Sports programme.

MCCC Juniors Members and Supporters

Conduct yourself in a fashion that sets a good example to Juniors players

  • Consumption of alcohol before or during a MCCC Juniors match is not permitted. If you are seen consuming alcohol, you will be asked to dispose of it, put it away, or finish it out of sight of the match (e.g. – in the car park at our clubrooms).
  • By all means be passionate when supporting the team and club, but bad language or abuse of match, opposition or club officials is not allowed.
  • Criticising players negatively is strongly discouraged. Look for the positive in any situation and remember that the players and officials are giving their best efforts.

The Club relies on all players being fully financial

Ensure that all registration paperwork, and fee payments, are completed as soon as possible for your child/ren. If you have a special need in this area, discuss it with the Junior Coordinator.

If you have any concerns about operations concerning your child, follow the relevant process below:

  1. If you have a concern about training or match day related matters, the first port of call is your child’s coach/es, then the Junior Coordinator, then the Club Committee. Observe and follow only this order of command.
  2. If you have a concern about any off-field or administration related matters, the first port of call is the Junior Coordinator, then the Club Committee.
  3. Support and encourage all members of your child’s team as much as possible. This may involve: assisting set-up of ground, scoring, warming-up players, barracking during the match, helping with a training drill.
  4. Allow your child’s coach/es, and other MCCC officials to coach and instruct as they see fit in any given situation. Remember that all volunteers at the club take on their roles to help you child get a game of cricket and enjoy a great club experience. Work positively and constructively with them at all times. If you do have a concern, follow the relevant procedure outlined above.

Discipline Procedure

If a player breaks the MCCC Juniors Code of Conduct, as deemed by their coach or any other MCCC official, the following process will be actioned:

  1. 1st offence: Player spoken to by MCCC coach or official immediately supervising player at the time of incidence. Player’s parent/guardian advised of incident and any action taken by supervising MCCC coach or official as soon as possible.
  2. 2nd offence: Player and parents have discussion with Junior Coordinator as soon as possible regarding the incident and any other past relevant incidents.
  3. 3rd offence: Player’s participation in any remaining play of current match and next match restricted as deemed suitable by coaches and Junior Coordiantor/Junior Development Officer. This may involve player not being granted the participation minimum’s as set in the MCCC Juniors Player Management Policy.
  4. 4th offence: Player “Benched””(no participation in any remaining play of current match and next match)
  5. 5th offence and any subsequent offence: Player “Benched” for an amount of time decided by players coaches and Junior Coordiantor/Junior Development Officer.

If a player commits a minor breaking of the MCCC Juniors Code of Conduct, the above process will be carried out. “Minor” is an incidence where the consequence of the breaking of the code is minimal, but the breaking of the code has occurred in any case.

If a player is deemed to have committed a major breaking of the code, the player will be “benched” immediately by their coaches, and the matter will be referred to the Junior Coordinator and Junior Development Officer, who will have a discussion with the player and a parent/guardian as soon as possible. Then, after consultation with the player’s coaches, a consequence will be set by the Junior Coordinator.

“Major” is an incident where the breaking of the code is considered by the coach or MCCC official supervising the player at time of incident to: put the reputation of the club at risk; put the physical or emotional safety or well-being of other MCCC players, MCCC officials, MCCC members and supporters, opposition, match officials at risk; caused any physical damage.

For any offence, the coaches or other MCCC officials supervising the player at time of incident may enforce a consequence on the player they deem fit, as well as following process.

“Benched” players are required to attend their training and matches as normal. They will train as normal, but will not participate in the match on match day. Instead, they will help with off-field tasks, such as (but not limited to):

  • Helping in canteen
  • Helping to score,
  • Helping set up and pack up.